So I've hit a mental wall in the blogging department. I don't feel like saying much. And I had some fun pictures to post, but I couldn't get all of them to post right. So I've decided to take my friends' examples of writing 100 things about our family. (I couldn't think of 100 things about just me!)
1. He can sleep anytime anyplace and through anything.
2. This is why I don't leave the kids home alone with him very often.
3. Once I came home only to find Steve asleep on the couch, with the house in shambles and Allison asleep in the hallway.
4. He likes gingersnap cookies.
5. He also likes apple crisp.
6. We've been married almost 7 years and I didn't know he liked apple crisp until last week.
7. Loves frisbee.
8. Loves frisbee.
9. Loves frisbee.
10. Did I mention he loves frisbee?
11. Also likes frisbee-golf.
12. He once lit his bed sheets on fire when he was a boy.
13. He's really handy around the house.
14. Except for plumbing issues.
15. He can flood the toilet with the best of 'em.
16. His favorite store is The Home Depot.
17. He is obsessed with yard work.
18. He was really disappointed this past week when he had vacation and it snowed all week and he couldn't trim the hedges.
19. He is crazy about our two daughters.
20. He is really good at painting our 2 girls' toenails with pretty colors.
21. He does a good job with their toenails because he's got the "steady surgeon's hand."
22. If he had it his way he would still be wearing the same Levi’s and t-shirts he has had since he was 15.
23. He was fun to have around this past week on his vacation.
24. He grills a mean hamburger.
25. I love him very much.
26. I can't sleep through anything.
27. Except when I'm at anything with church. Without my kids. THEN I fall asleep quickly.
28. Number 27 hasn't happened in a really LONG time.
29. I really need a haircut, but don't want to actually make the call.
30. I put off doing a lot of things, because I don't like making appointments on the phone.
31. My husband thinks that my blueberry cheesecake is to die for.
32. I've never made blueberry cheesecake.
33. I think this might be the source of some future contention.
34. Steve recently taught me a little about baking.
35. I'd never made anything requiring yeast.
36. That's not quite true. I did make a batch of rolls for Thanksgiving a couple of years ago that were a complete flop.
37. Steve taught me how to make scones.
38. Now I want to try all sorts of baking.
39. Baking does not help my goal of losing the rest of my baby weight before Lindsay is one.
40. Man, I really need to get moving on that goal. It's only 3 months away!
41. I've really enjoyed having my husband around this week.
42. I'm not exactly sure how we are going to make it through the next 4 months. His work schedule is going to be bad. REALLY bad.
43. I'm so excited for my mom to come visit in a few weeks. I've already got projects and fun stuff picked out for us to do while she is here.
44. I enjoy listening to classical music.
45. Steve introduced me to the wonderful world of NPR this last week.
46. We enjoyed an overnight trip to Indianapolis a few days ago.
47. I didn't realize how much I needed to get away from my messy house. It was lovely.
48. I think we had to stop 6 times for Allison to go to the bathroom in between Indianapolis and our house.
49. It's only 100 miles away.
50. We finally wised up and told her to hold it. Which brings me to the princess:
51. She is a very sound sleeper.
52. She gets this from her daddy.
53. Because she is such a sound sleeper, I think she may have to be in nighttime diapers until she is 18.
54. Allie got into my make-up today. She was very pretty with her red lips and mascara eyes.
55. She was pretty proud of herself.
56. She does this about once a week.
57. Two year olds have poor impulse control.
58. This is the mantra that I have to repeat over and over in my head.
59. Our little girl is quite the girlie-girl.
60. She loves to dance.
61. When we went to our "Christmas Ball" in December, Allison was WAY more excited about it than we were.
62. She told me the next day that we went to the ball to "dance and dance and dance"
63. I have a great video that I would love to post of Allison dancing with her "prince," but our internet is too slow to download it and get it to post.
64. We really need to get a new internet provider. I don't think our internet qualifies as "high-speed" any more.
65. Allison also has some mad soccer skills.
66. She has her daddy's cheerful temperament mostly, with a little of my flair for emotional meltdowns.
67. Maybe the second part of that is just being a girl.
68. Allie is a pretty smart cookie.
69. Allie really likes cookies
70. She will not eat vegetables, but she recently decided that she really likes raw spinach dipped in Italian dressing.
71. Spinach?????
72. I'm hoping that the other vegetables are not far behind.
73. Allie is a very social child. She love, love, LOVES playing with her friends.
74. She has been very stir-crazy this week. Sunday afternoon I found her putting her coat and boots. When I asked her what she was doing, she said, "we go now." When asked where she was going she would only repeat "we go now" over and over. I think she was telling me that she wanted to get out of the house.
75. We went for a drive. Within 5 minutes of leaving the house, she was sound asleep.
76. Lindsay also inherited Steve's cheerful temperament.
77. But when she's unhappy she can SCREAM.
78. She's mostly just unhappy before bedtime.
79. Steve doesn't get to see her during the day ever. This week he keeps saying, "I can't believe how happy she is. She is such a happy girl." It makes me want to smack him upside the head. I've been telling him this for MONTHS.
80. Lindsay loves drinking from a bottle. And she is totally weaned. Finally!
81. She gets so excited whenever I get a bottle out. Her arms and legs get going so fast that they are practically a blur.
83. I don't know much about buying formula. Is buying the generic brand okay?
84. Because it's a heck have a lot cheaper than the name brand stuff.
85. Since Lindsay has started taking a bottle she doesn't seem to care much for baby food. She seems to want real food more.
86. She is getting pretty fat.
87. I just want to pinch her little cheeks all the time.
88. Speaking of cheeks, her other little cheeks are sure cute.
89. Lindsay always has her mouth open.
90. I thought it was a phase, but when I look back through the last few months’ pictures, I'm hard pressed to find one without her mouth open or her tongue out.
91. She is finally rolling over.
92. I think she might actually start crawling in the next few weeks. She's started scooting backwards in the last few days.
93. I'm sure glad I didn't try and think of 100 things about me. It's much easier to think of things about someone else.
94. Sorry if we are boring anyone.
95. Is anyone still reading?
96. John, are you still there?
97. John? John? I think he's gone.
98. My brother-in-law has a short attention span for reading emails and blogs.
99. At least my mom is still reading.
100. Right?
"Number 27 hasn't happened in a really LONG time."
Yeah, right! *grin*
I LoVe your list! You did a great job. It would of been MUCh easier to do a family 100 things. I really struggled with it.
You guys are so cute together and always seem to have so much fun!
Remember I am here if you need me in the next 4 months. I hope to be out of bed. Otherwise you can come sit in bed with me lol. :P
Great job again on sharing time today. It was the spiritual boost I so needed after being gone so long. You did an amazing job!
I read every word outloud to your Dad and we both loved ALL of it. Can't wait to see you in 19 days! LOve you, Mom
Apparently you've got no faith in your favorite brother-in-law. Not only was I reading every line with rapt interest, I was laughing out loud for most of the post. Very clever. Glad you got to spend some time withe the surgeon this week. Ta - G8
That was great, and who was the photographer for the family pic, I need them to take one of our family. About the formula, I used the generic, and I think my kids are going to be normal, at least for our family that is.
I'm glad that you found out about Steve's love for apple crisp. Now you know what to make the next time you want him to do something :) Wish i could come see you in 19 days... I would like to come sometime in May though...We'll have to discuss details later.
Great list!! I read the whole wonderful post, too! You are very entertaining.
I also used generic formula -- if you get the Sam's Club brand, it will pay for your membership with the savings!
If makes you feel any better I didn't lose my baby weight from Madi till I went to Egypt - 4 1/2 years later. You've got time... :)
I loved the list and read every word. You must have patience and uninteruptive children to put that long of a list together. Also, just to let you know, the generic brand of baby formula is the same stuff as the name brands, so it would be stupid not to buy the generic brand. I buy the Kirkland brand formula at Costco. You get 2 large cans for $20. It's a great deal!
Congrats on the weaning. Spencer still isnt' weaned. My excuse before was that I was too cheap to buy formula and just wait until I could give him regular milk at 12 months. Now that I'm apparently starving him and the Dr. told me to give him whole milk who knows?? It will be nice to leave him with someone...anyone for more than 3 hours.
Love the list Jamie. Hey, Jake starts his trauma rotation coming up...after your mom leaves you should come HERE and enjoy beautiful weather and we can support each other in our misery. I wish you were closer.
You are so funny. I love your list. I'm glad you got away for some fun. Anytime you need to have a break these next months you are welcome to drop your kids off. It would be nice to have some sweet happy girls around.
It's so much fun to find out new things about you and your family! You have such a knack for adding humor to your posts!!
I really missed you at book club... and I even brought apple crisp that you could have taken home to Steve!! I'm glad you got to go to Indy though. Sounds like you had a good week.
What a great list! And a wonderful idea to make it a family deal. I could do that, and only have to come up with about 12 things per person! Good luck over the next 4 months with the rotation.
You are THE BEST WRITER! It's ofter midnight and I should be asleep, but I just had to read one more blog. I'm glad I clicked on yours. You cheered me right up and gave me something fun to think about while I fall asleep. I can't decide which one was my favorite! The cheeks, the cheesecake, the falling asleep husband, the open-mouthed baby???? so many to choose from. I loved it all!
My 100 things post would get all goofy when I entered the pictures in. I'm going to try one more time, but it might be different than the first time.
Although you mentioned many great things about Steve (most importantly the Gammon Plumbing System), you left out that he is also notorious for not getting the Benson. "Karla, this is terrible Steven didn't get the Benson?!!"
What a beautiful and fun family!
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