We got back from our fun trip to Utah last night and I have spent the whole day feeling sorry for myself and being grouchy and tired. So to cheer myself up, I've decided to play the good news and bad news game--a game introduced by my good friend Leslie.
The good news is: We had a great time visiting family and friends while in Utah.
The bad news is: I've now got 10 piles of laundry to do and no motivation to do it--I'll blame it on my post-vacation depression.
The good news is: I missed the Primary program. (Sorry Leslie!)
The bad news is: I missed the Primary program. (Sorry again.)
The good news is: I lost the 5 pounds that I promised I would before I left on vacation.
The bad news is: I gained 3.5 pounds back by eating all the yummy vacation food. To Cafe Rio, my tummy thanks you. My thighs, however, blame you for making my jeans fit tighter.
The good news is: We got to see all of our immediate family who live in Utah plus all of our grandparents.
The bad news is: I spent half the trip feeling guilty for not spending more time with both sides of our family.
The good news is: I got to see the new IKEA.
The bad news is: See the previous bad news.
The good news is: We had the wildest, craziest princess party with my cousins' little girls.
The bad news is: Who knew that little girls could be so loud? I still have a headache.
The good news is: We got to meet my sister's new boyfriend and my brother's first girlfriend.
The bad news is: I think we embarrassed the heck out of both my brother and sister. Um . . . or maybe I should put that as one of the good things.
The good news is: Allison and Lindsay were SO good on the trip home.
The bad news is: It took over 16 hours to get home. We left at 9 am and didn't get home until 1 am this morning.
The good news is: I think Lindsay finally forgave me for chopping off part of her finger this morning.
The bad news is: I chopped off part of Lindsay's finger this morning while trying to cut her fingernails. I seriously thought she would need stitches. I spent all day feeling horrible.
The good news is: I get to go to bed now.
The bad news is: I don't know if I can find my bed under all the laundry.