In case we haven't seen or talked to you in the last two months, here is what is going on:
Steve has been interviewing for orthopaedic trauma fellowships all over the country. He's been to San Diego, Washington D.C., Dallas, Tampa, Baltimore and will be traveling to Cleveland, Seattle, and Denver in the next few months. He's stayed very busy with work and has had fun interviewing new residents for his orthopaedic program here in Cincinnati.
I had fun traveling to Utah this month with 3 kids under the age of 4 BY MYSELF. I realized what a colossal mistake I was making at the last minute and tried to call the airlines to change our tickets. We ended up going anyway and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how well the kids did. It was one of our smoother trips--I didn't yell or swear and nobody threw up on the plane. It was a miracle. Allison was so helpful, I had no idea she could do so much. We had a great time in Utah visiting family. The kids were so happy that they sobbed when I told them that we had to come home.
Allison is loving pre-school. She asks almost every day if it is a pre-school day. She had a Christmas program last week and was so stinkin' cute in it. She knows all (most) of the words to Rudolph and will sing on demand. She loved playing with her cousins while we were in Utah and told me that she would rather stay with her cousins than live with us. Hmmm, tempting. Allie also had a great Christmas and has been on cloud nine the last two days. Dollhouses, Legos, Polly-Pockets, and gingerbread houses--who could ask for more?
Lindsay has become a little motor mouth. She never stops making noise!!! NEVER!! The problem is that a lot of that noise has turned into temper tantrums and she melts down at least 5 times a day. She makes up for the tantrums and the noise by saying the funniest things. Some days she won't respond to questions unless she is addressed as "puppy dog" and she wanted to ask Santa Claus for bones to chew on. It didn't happen. She got a baby doll and a play vacuum instead. She loves the vacuum and ran the batteries out in about 4 hours. If only it really vacuumed. . .
Sarah is a sweet baby. She is a quiet and serious little thing. I have to constantly remind myself to check on her because she is content to sit quietly and look around. She rarely cries. I think she is making up for Lindsay's noise. Sarah is constantly wiggling and I know she will be an active kid. She is starting to sit up with very little help.
We've had a lot of fun this week. Steve was off the last few days and it has been heavenly. We hung out with some friends on Christmas Eve and then that night we acted out the Christmas story with our little family. Christmas day we just kicked back and relaxed.
The few days before Christmas were HECTIC. I wouldn't recommend taking a vacation the first 2 weeks before Christmas. Steve and I had to pull some very late nights to "help" Santa finish the big dollhouse project. Fun stuff.
Anyway, we are all doing great and are looking forward to the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friends and family.
SO CUTE!!! I love your pic's as always...wish we could see it all in person. Santa's doll house is amazing....I think his elf's outdid themselves. I understand why Allison and Lindsay were so hyper on the much fun to be had!!!
Lindsey cracks me up! Your doll house is adorable! Right down to the furniture! I'm so glad that they like it!
Love ya Jamie!
Miss you my friend!! Thanks for the update. I'm glad you had a great Christmas! The doll house is amazing!! I vote for Denver!
Your kiddos are so cute and that dollhouse is truly amazing. Is that scrapbook paper as wallpaper? Very creative!
I love reading your updates and see all the cute pics! Your kids are adorable! I'm so glad your trip to Utah went so well, and it sounds like your Christmas was perfect. Love the dollhouse... wanna come do my house next??!
Happy New Year, and good luck with Steve's search, although I'm wishing you could just stay here!!
Sweet house! Your kids are stinkin' cute you know... they must take after their aunt :) okay maybe they take after their parents a little too... LOVE YOU! When you coming back to visit again!
You have got THE cutest kids. The Barbie house turned out amazing! I wish my girls were younger. I'd hire you two to make us one. :)
Glad you had such a fun trip to visit fam. And it would be really wonderful if Steve took a job close to Cincy. But, I guess you have peeps all over the country wishing he would take a job closer them as well.
Love the pictures. You are very brave to take three kids under four on a trip by yourself. I don't think I would bring our two kids on a trip by myself--especially since I can't feed the second one without Kori. That doll house looks like it was a lot of work--wallpaper, carpet, appliances, the works.
Fabulous dollhouse!! Your girls are so cute. Good luck with Steve's search.
I'm glad we got to see you when we were in Ohio, even though it was only briefly. We love your family!
The doll house is adorable! We missed you guys at the Ellison party. Your brother's attire was truly a sight to be seen. I hope someone sent you pictures!! Denver is sounding like a good choice for your fam. Then I'm sure we'll see you guys at family functions a lot more. :0)
Your girls are so lucky to have such a sweet dollhouse! We really missed you guys at Christmas. But it looks like you had a nice time anyway. I love the picture of Sarah sitting in her bumbo seat.
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