Hey guys,
I NEED YOUR HELP! In an effort to marry off my last single sister, I entered her into a dating contest. (I know, I'm an evil sister.) The Mormon satire blog Seriously So Blessed is sponsoring the contest and my sister Tricia was chosen out of hundreds of single Mormon women to be a finalist. If she is chosen, she will go out with a guy who sounds really fantastic.
All you need to do help her win the contest is go to the link below and vote for Tricia. Voting closes on Monday, so vote as soon as possible. Please feel free to forward this to anyone else who might know Tricia.
go to www. seriouslysoblessed.blogspot.com and vote for Tricia to go out with Mo-Matchelor Steve.
Baw Ha ha...seriously so funny! I'll vote!
I voted!
I just voted and it looks like she is winning so far. I'm sure she will thank you later--or not but whatever it looks fun to me.
Jess and I voted and I'm amazed Tricia has 550 votes so far! She's gonna rock that poll! We hope that she'll get to win that dream date with the Steve the Dream Guy.
I voted! I hope she wins!
This is somewhat embarrassing - however, its definitely a unique story that could be passed on to future generations... Thanks to all those who are "voting" to me... I guess:)
I voted and saw she was strongly in the lead!
Interesting competition. Hey, if it doesn't work out with Micah, I have an awesome brother in SLC who we could set up with her. Let me know.
I think it's great that you took the initiative to enter Trish in the contest, because clearly she's the coolest gal out of all the finalists! And, she'll have one great story whether it works out or not! :0)
So did she win?
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